If you are able to install the print driver/PPD file on your computer, you should use that option.
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If you know the printer they will be using, in most cases, you will able to install that print driver /PPD on your computer. Of course, it?s always a good idea to check with your service bureau to see what type of printer they will be printing to. This driver has not posed any major printing problems that we know of. A common printer driver we suggest is the HP 755 driver (PC) or PPD with LaserWriter or Adobe Post Script (Mac). Generally, Post Script printers provide this support. You will need a print driver installed on your computer that allows you to print as files. PostScript and Plot or Print files are a way to print your drawing in VW to a file which you can then send to a service bureau for printing purposes. Adobe Acrobat Distiller isn't available for OSX. Stone software also has a program called "PStill" that will convert postscript to pdf. I don't know of any free driver available for generating HPGL/2 (.plt) files for either OSX or OS9. Obviously you would only want to save to file with this printer since you have it sending postscript data out to never never land. Or, if you are in 10.2 go to HP and select one of the models. Don't worry about the queue, and for printer model select "other" and navigate to your saved PPD file. For an IP or printer's address enter or really anything in a private IP range that isn't already assigned to something. "Add printer" and select LPR/LDP or IP Printing, depending on the choices. Better yet, if you know the intended output device there may be a PPD available. To install a fake printer under OSX, make sure you have a PPD (postscript printer definition) file available- for our purposes we want something that supports plotter sized sheets. If you are comfortable with the command line you can skip the shareware thing entirely and just install one of the unix ghostscript packages and enter the commands yourself. All it does is put a GUI on one of the available ghostscript versions. MacGhostView 2.6 (look on ) will also convert. You don't actually need the whole "driver" set- you just need the PPD. HP has relatively new PPDs available for most of their plotters that you can download. For 10.1.x you will want to go out and find an appropriate postscript plotter ppd. 10.2 has the HP1055cm driver (or PPD actually) installed by default. We have an HP 1055cm plotter- it supports up to Arch E size sheets, so that is the example I will use.

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